Rail~Volution is a conference of passionate people who want to engage in thoughtful discussion about building livable communities with transit. Join us on October 15th at 4:30pm when Cliff will participate in a panel discussion on the role of public art within transit infrastructure and community development entitled “The Art of Transit” along with Jorge Pardo, Erik Takeshita with Moderator Laura Zabel.
The Art of Transit: What is the role of public art when it comes to transit infrastructure and community development? Can public art programs bring together communities? Can they help develop better places for the future? Two case studies will illustrate successful community-based and transit-agency-based programs: In St. Paul-Minneapolis, public art projects were implemented along the new Green Line. These art programs connected communities, making the most of the transit investment. In Los Angeles County, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is transforming transit customers’ journeys and engaging communities through incorporating artworks into transit infrastructure projects.
MODERATOR: Laura Zabel, Executive Director, Springboard for the Arts, St. Paul, Minnesota
Cliff Garten, Principal, Cliff Garten Studio, Venice, California
Jorge Pardo, Director of Art 7 Design, Metro, Los Angeles, California
Erik Takeshita, Senior Program Officer and Deputy Director, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, St, Paul, Minnesota